Structural steel is a mix of iron and carbon compounds that, when the iron cools down, hardens into a very strong material. This steel can be cut, moulded, and welded for a variety of applications, but is commonly used in the construction space. Please see our article below as we delve into information about steel fabricators in Melbourne.

Here in Melbourne, this type of steel is typically utilised by professional tradesmen called structural steel fabricators

Common duties of structural steel fabricators include cutting, bending, reshaping, welding, and assembling raw metal into heavy-duty steel to be used in building sheds, residential homes, offices, buildings, and even bridges.

Here are four advantages why most construction firms prefer structural steel:


Steel can last for over a century, significantly longer than concrete or wood-built buildings thanks to its high tensile strength and resilience.

This makes it a popular option for most buildings, as it can withstand daily wear and tear, harsh weather conditions, and natural disasters while only needing minimal upkeep.

However, it could only last that long if you apply the proper barrier coating to it. Coatings such as Hot Dipped Galvanizing or protective paint can stop moisture from seeping and corroding the steel inside.

100% Sustainable

According to the Australian Steel Institute, steel’s metallurgical properties allow it to be continually reused and recycled with no signs of deterioration in its functionality – making it a 100% sustainable construction material for any construction project.

Furthermore, according to the World Green Building Council, buildings are responsible for over 42 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Thankfully, steel can be salvaged and repurposed once it has outlived its use – making it an attractive material for ecologically conscious clients.


A big reason why structural steel is cost-effective aside – from its durability – is that it can be made relatively quickly and cheaply, from ore to steel frame. Its durability also influences its cost, as steel is an alloy that needs long-term minimal repairs/replacements.

When compared to other metal fabrication options, structural steel also offers an economically sound, yet rewarding option – popularising it in various residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Additionally, while steel was incredibly hard to transport and assemble in the past, computerised steel drafting and detailing designs helped pave a path forward to easier disassembling, transporting, and reassembling – reducing labour costs and keeping the project on schedule.


Thanks to its innate metallurgical properties mentioned above, steel is very malleable, yet strong – making it very easy for Melbourne steel fabricators to customise it to your project demands.

Structural steel can also influence your design options. Since steel is very malleable, it can be moulded into several curves and shapes – allowing your architects to have more creativity and freedom compared to working with other materials.

Choosing Your Melbourne Steel Fabricators

Utilising structural steel and hiring the right Melbourne steel fabricators may result in a cost-effective and sustainable option for your construction project. Whether you’re planning to build garage sheds or skyscrapers, structural steel’s advantages over the competition are second to none.

However, just make sure that your chosen fabricators have plenty of hands-on experience and comply with the standards of the Australian Institute of Steel Construction, like Weldform Structures.

If you’re looking for a Melbourne steel fabricator who provides cost-effective solutions, choose Weldform Structures. Our emphasis on quality leads us to meticulously work with highly skilled tradesmen, engineers, and architects to provide a superior end product we’re proud of.
Contact us today and let one of the leading fabrication companies in the area handle your project.